Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Wellbeing and Resilience in Dental Education

Aims and Objectives

Reports from many parts of the world suggest a generation of young people who are facing challenges to their mental health and wellbeing. Student counselling services are under pressure and personal tutors can face significant challenges as they seek to support the progress of their students. Dentistry is not immune to these developments, and it is timely to bring dental teachers together, to identify common challenges, to share good practice, to identify areas for research and innovation and try to make a difference.

If you are involved in the support of undergraduate students, please come and share your thoughts. Our first session will focus on identifying common challenges and sharing some of the steps we have taken to support our students more effectively and promote their resilience and wellbeing.

First Meeting

This Special Interest Group will hold its formation meeting at ADEE 2018 Oslo.