Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Dublin 2025 Meeting Programme for Thursday

This programme is evolving and may be subject to change
08:00 to 17:00

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Exhibition booths open throughout the meeting

We encourage you to visit the many exhibition booths displayed throughout...

Atrium TCDBS

Registration Desk Open

The on site registration desk will be open each day from 08:30 to start of...

Atrium TCDBS

10:30 to 11:30

Morning Coffee

Join us for morning coffee and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity...

Atrium TCDBS

11:00 to 12:30

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Tech Talks

The second of this year's Tech Talk sessions that provides a platform for...

Tangent TCDBS

11:30 to 13:00

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5MP Session 4

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Room 115 TCDBS

Endodontic Education Symposium: Recognising where we are and where we need to go


Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

EPAs and Entrustment in Dental Education: Factors Influencing Supervisor

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are units of professional...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

Recognising teachers' emotions and self-efficacy in assessment

Even though the feelings of students have been widely discussed, there is...

Room 119 TCDBS

Selected Oral Presentations Session 2

The second of three sessions drawn from from abstracts submitted under this...

McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

13:00 to 14:00

Lunch & Exhibition

Join us for lunch and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity College...

Atrium TCDBS

14:00 to 15:30

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5MP Session 5

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

EDHF Session


Room 119 TCDBS


A selection of invited speakers drawn by the abstract review panel submitted...

McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

IFDEA Invitational Session - Associations Response to WHO Action Plan

The regional dental education and allied associations have been working...

Tangent TCDBS

SIMtoCARE Users Group Meeting

An open meeting of the SIMtoCARE users group.

Room 115 TCDBS

14:00 to 14:45

Impacts of Mobile Learning Application on Student Clinical Performance (UCLA & Immersify)

This study aims to see if a mobile phone-based learning app can improve...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

14:15 to 15:45

Sustainable Dental Education in a Changing Food Environment: Integrating Environmental Awareness with Clinical Dietary Guidance

The global food system faces unprecedented challenges from climate change,...

Tangent TCDBS

15:30 to 16:00

Afternoon Coffee

Join us for afternoon coffee and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity...

Atrium TCDBS

15:45 to 17:15

IPE workshop


Tangent TCDBS

16:00 to 17:30

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5MP Session 6

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

GED Workshop


McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

Reimagining patients with disabilities in students case mix - why, when, how, who...

At the invitation of Professor Alison Dougall Dublin Dental University...

Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

Virteasy Users Group Meeting

An open meeting of the Virteasy users group.

Room 115 TCDBS

20:00 to 22:00

Happy Birthday ADEE

ADEE President and the ADEE Board invite you to join us as we celebrate ADEE...

The Dining Hall, Trinity College Dublin

Join us in our Annual Meeting for a
'Céad mile fáilte'!

Register Here