Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Dublin 2025 Meeting Programme for Wednesday

This programme is evolving and may be subject to change
08:00 to 17:00

Exhibition booths open throughout the meeting

We encourage you to visit the many exhibition booths displayed throughout...

Atrium TCDBS

Registration Desk Open

The on site registration desk will be open each day from 08:30 to start of...

Atrium TCDBS

09:00 to 10:30

Select one from this session steam

5MP Session 1

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

CRADO Meeting (Spanish Deans)

An initiation only meeting of the Conferencia de Decanos/as y Directores...

Room 115 TCDBS

Preparing Future Leaders in Dental Education - Embracing Innovation and Uncertainty

Academic dental institutions play a crucial role in shaping the future of...

Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the undergraduate dental curriculum

The UK General Dental Council introduced its new Safe Practitioner Framework...

McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

Wellbeing Community Of Practice

This session of the Wellbeing Community of Practice will focus on two key...

Room 119 TCDBS

09:30 to 11:00

Erosive Tooth Wear Education

Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is common in European populations. A recent study...

Tangent TCDBS

10:30 to 11:30

Morning Coffee

Join us for morning coffee and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity...

Atrium TCDBS

11:30 to 13:00

Select one from this session steam

5MP Session 2

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Mc Nabb Auditorium TCDBS

Developing wellbeing champions for Dental Schools - a Welldental workshop

An interactive workshop delivered by the WELLDENTAL team and members of the...

Room 119 TCDBS

EDJE Editorial Board meeting

The annual face to face meeting of the Editorial Board of the European...

Boardroom Faculty of Health Sciences

Performance Assessment of Clinical Skills (PACS): the importance of the examiner.

This Community of Practice (COP) session will explore challenges associated...

Dargan Auditoriumm TCDBS

Students as collaborators, partners and educators - completing the conversation

Working with ‘students as partners’ is gaining acceptance, and interest is...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

11:45 to 13:15

Tech Talks

The first of this years Tech Talk sessions that provides a platform for...

Tangent TCDBS

13:00 to 14:00

Lunch & Exhibition

Join us for lunch and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity College...

Atrium TCDBS

14:00 to 15:30

Select one from this session steam

5MP Session 3

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...

Maharry Auditorium TCDBS

A.I. in oral health education of under and postgraduate dental students

The overarching aim of the SIG on AI in Oral Health Education is to explore...

Room 119. TCDBS

EJDE Workshop: Peer reviewing

A workshop hosted by the EJDE editorial board on becoming part of the...

Room 115 TCDBS

Embedding Behaviour Change in Undergraduate Curricula: From Theory to Practice

As dental education evolves, there is a growing need to equip future...

Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

Selected Oral Presentations Session 1

The first of three sessions drawn from from abstracts submitted under this...

McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

14:30 to 15:15
15:30 to 16:00

Afternoon Coffee

Join us for afternoon coffee and networking in the Atrium of the Trinity...

Atrium TCDBS

16:00 to 17:30

Opening ceremony and initial plenary session: Reimagining oral health professionals’ education

The opening ceremony and initial plenary of ADEE 2025 Dublin. This session...

Dargan Auditorium TCDBS

20:00 to 22:00

ADEE 2025 Welcome to Dublin Social Event

ADEE President and the ADEE Board invite you to join us for our opening...

The Boardroom and College Hall, RCSI, 123 St Stephens Green

Join us in our Annual Meeting for a
'Céad mile fáilte'!

Register Here