Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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GED Consultation - Domain 5 'Research'

1 Start 2 Identification 3 Clarity 4 Importance in the curriculum 5 Difficulty 6 End
Welcome to the open consultation for a new domain for the Graduating European Dentist Curriculum - Domain 5 - Research.
This consultation is open until 19th March 2024.


Domain V - Research Document


This platform provides an opportunity for any individual, institution, society, organisation, regulator, or industrial partner, to engage with the development process, and to provide feedback to the GED taskforce. Further instructions will be provided as you progress through the consultation pages - and the consultation will allow you to consider aspects of the specific proposed learning outcomes, and their categorisation. Specifically at this stage we are interested in perceived clarity, importance, and difficulty associated with each outcome.

Activity to date

The learning outcomes proposed within this consultation have been developed over the past 18 months with input from the following:

  1. GED taskforce members
  2. ADEE special interest group members
  3. European and South American students and educators
  4. IADR presidents, past-presidents, and president-elects

The approach has also been influenced by research carried out by EDSA (European Dental Students' Association) which has been published here.

The proposed narrative that will accompany the learning outcomes can be downloaded above and we welcome feedback on this as part of the process too - there is opportunity to provide free text comments on this towards the end of the online form.