Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Message from ADEMA

Prof Diego González


Dear friends,

On behalf of the staff of the University School ADEMA, a centre attached to the UIB, I would like to welcome all the members of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) who will participate in Palma in the annual Congress of the entity.

I would like to thank all the participating Universities for continuing their commitment to work on the promotion, research, knowledge, innovation, and development of dental education within the framework of the ADEE Annual Congress. The quality of teaching, research and care activities is based on the talent of the team of people who work every day and who can choose and opt for competitive and relevant projects in the European context.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the ADEE for having chosen Palma as the venue, as our city meets all expectations and will leave you with unforgettable moments in this Mediterranean of ours. It is a city known worldwide for its beauty, its culture and its hospitality that welcomes all its visitors with open arms.

I do not want to say goodbye without thanking the involvement and collaboration of the human team of the University School ADEMA, the rectorate of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), and the highest authorities in the organization of this Congress for their guests to work and collaborate on the latest trends in the sector, the quality of teaching, research, and professional development in the field of oral health. We hope that this conference will be of benefit to all and that it will become a true pathway for science and society after times of uncertainty due to the pandemic. Let us work together for a promising future. From the bottom of our hearts, congratulations, thank you. We are waiting for you with open arms.