Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen
Learning from lapses: How to identify, classify and respond to lapses in professionalism
Wednesday, 26th August 2022 - 17:30 to 20:30
Prof Marianne Mak - Van der Vossen, MD PhD is a medical educator and medical education scientist at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) and at the postgraduate residency program for general practitioners at Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands. After having worked as a general practitioner for 15 years, Marianne turned to education, and gained ample experience as a medical educator in undergraduate medical education at the VUmc medical school in Amsterdam. She established a longitudinal educational theme “Professional Behavior” at this school, and coordinated teaching and assessment of this theme up to Sept 2020. While in this position, she conducted PhD research, culminating in the thesis “Learning from lapses: How to identify, classify and respond to unprofessional behavior in medical students”.
In 2020, Marianne joined ACTA to co-create a longitudinal educational line “Professional Development” across the dentistry curriculum. In 2021, she was appointed program leader of medical education research at the Department of General Practice of Amsterdam UMC.