Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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COVID-19 related survey requests

In recent weeks we have received an increasing number of requests from members and sister associations to share their calls for participation into COVID-19 related surveys and research.  Rather than bombard members with emails we have decided to host these on our webpages and share them via the e-news system, thereby allowing interested members to participate at their will.  Where possible the closing date is clearly displayed within the text.

Please note these surveys are NOT validated by ADEE.  ADEE is simply facilitating distribution.

European Universities Association

Closing date 4th June 2020 

Survey on digitally enhanced learning in European higher education institutions

This EUA survey is addressed to higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It aims to map development trends for digitally enhanced learning and teaching at European higher education institutions, including the strategic preparedness of the governance and management.

The COVID-19 crisis has turned this into an urgent priority for higher education institutions, but while taking this into consideration, the survey's purpose goes well the beyond the current situation. It is conducted in the framework of the DIGI-HE project (2020-2022), an Erasmus+ funded project coordinated by the European University Association (EUA) and will inform the development of a self-assessment tool for higher education institutions, which will support capacity building.

In addition, the survey report will contribute to a better understanding of how European institutions address digital transformation in learning and teaching, which predictably, will be a key topic in post-crisis policy debates on higher education, and also a priority for institutional development. 

The survey follows up on EUA’s 2014 survey on E-Learning at European Higher Education Institutions, which provides comparable data on institutional digitalisation at European universities. However, the present survey offers a renewed approach compared to its predecessor, because the overall importance of digitalisation in higher education has grown over the years. Some questions from the 2014 survey on e-learning have been kept in order to enable longitudinal analysis over the years.   

You can access the survey here with a closing date of 4th June 2020.

UNESCO Chair of Global Health and Education

Closing date not provided.

The UNESCO Chairs and WHO Collaborating Centre in Global Health & Education together with the Schools for Health in Europe network foundation (SHE) and the EUPHA Health Promotion section have launched a knowledge sharing process on school reopening.

With the reopening of schools in countries where they have been closed, we are now entering a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. These nationwide and localized closures of schools are impacting over 90% of the world’s student population (around 1.3 billion children and young people). Reopening schools is not an easy thing to do, although at this stage of the pandemic in most countries it is a priority because the impact of closure is massive. The concrete mechanisms of the reopening differ, depending on the socioeconomical context and the cultures of the countries.


Since this pandemic is unique so as the extend of closure, there is a crucial need for sharing information about the local and national strategies in different contexts. That’s why the UNESCO Chairs and WHO Collaborating Centre in Global Health and Education together with the Schools for Health in Europe network foundation (SHE) and the EUPHA Health Promotion Section have launched a knowledge sharing process on the reopening of schools. The key idea is that we need both evidence-based but also practice-based decisions and educational practices.

Interested parties can access the survey here.  A closing date has not been provdied.

The University of Jordan, Amman

Closing date not provided.

A group of international colleagues would greatly appreciate you participating in this short survey on dentists knowledge, attitudes and professional behavior towards the COVID-19 outbreak by following the link at the bottom of the page.  Ethical approval was granted for this study from The Scientific Research and Ethics Committee of the School of Dentistry and The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Participation is voluntary and you will not receive any financial compensation. Your participation and answers will remain completely confidential. The research team will be happy to share the methodology and the results of the project once the responses are collected and analysed.

Interested colleagues can access the questionnaire here.