Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Professionalism Community Of Practice

Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 - 09:00 to 10:30
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90 Minute


Space 7 @ The Spine

Professionalism Community Of Practice
Session synopsis: 
Please join us for session with the 2nd session of our COP in Professionalism

We will be continuing the conversation begun last year in Palma around key themes essential to the teaching and learning of Professionalism. The purpose of this session is to share the results of the COP’s scholarly activity this past year establishing foundations essential for colleagues involved in the teaching of Professionalism for all members of the Dental Team:

  • Definition of Professionalism
  • Definition of the effective practitioner in Professionalism
  • Mapping of current state of Professionalism teaching, share best practice and recommendation in Professionalism Curriculum
  • Challenges in Professionalism brought by the adoption of new software, media and technologies
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Overview of COP activity in past year: Lead and Steering committee
09:20 Report from the different projects
10:20 Conclusion and direction for the up coming year

Andreas Agouropoulos

Assistant Professor at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry
Kapodistrian University of Athens

Dr. Andreas Agouropoulos is Assistant Professor at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He received a Certificate in Paediatric Dentistry from Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA and a M.Sc. Degree and PhD in Oral Biology from the University of Athens. Since 2003 he is also working in private practice limited to Paediatric Dentistry. His research interest and work is focused in epidemiology, oral biology, clinical research in healthy and patients with special needs, caries risk assessment, biomaterials, patient behaviour and evidence based clinical guidelines development. He is the President Elect of the Hellenic Society of Paediatric Dentistry, former Member of the Membership Committee and current member of the Education Committee of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD). He has participated as a speaker in national and international congresses, has published several articles and he has received international awards for his research work

Christina Gummesson

Associate Professor
Malmö University

She completed her PhD in Physiotherapy 2003 and Master in Medical Education 2013. She was appointed “excellent teaching practitioner” 2008 and has extensive experience on curriculum design and course development for undergraduate-, graduate- and research education.

She has worked with faculty development since 2008 and was the Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the Medical Faculty, Lund University Sweden, 2015-20. Since 2020, she has been working at the Department of Odontology Malmö University, Sweden as a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education, where one of the main areas of her work involves development of professionalism, professional autonomy and independence.

Apart from teaching and own research, she also serves as a Senior Editor in Physical Therapy Reviews, is a Member of the Editorial Board in BMC Medical Education and act as reviewer in various journals in medical education.

Corrado Paganelli

The Dental School, University of Brescia, Italy

Corrado Paganelli DDS, MD is currently chair of the Board of IFDEA (International Federation of Dental Educators and Associations) and FEHDD (Forum of European Heads and Deans of Dental Schools), Former President CECDO (Council of European Chief Dental Officers) and ADEE (Association for Dental Education in Europe). Dean of dental school / clinic, and previously hygienist school and orthodontic program, Erasmus coordinator for medical school at University of Brescia – Italy. President-elect of IADR Nutrition group. He also chairs the dental expert panel (Expamed) for the EU Commission of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices.

Lydia Katrova

Faculty of Dental Medicine– Sofia

Lydia Katrova studied dentistry at the Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, and graduated as a MDS in 1981. She received her Ph.D. degree at the Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski” in 1997. She is a co-founder of the department of dental public health at the FDM-Sofia and the author of the full textbooks series on professionalism for dentists in Bulgarian and English. She lectures and teaches the courses to undergraduate and graduate students and dental practitioners in: Social Medicine, Medical Ethics, Public Health; Community Dentistry, Dental Practice Management; Ethics and Deontology; Dental ergonomics, Research methods, and Burnout prevention. She directs PhD students, including international students; leads student research groups. Recently she was recognized with the GSK and ADEE SCHOLARSHIP “Sociology in dentistry” for 2020.

Maria José Serol de Brito Correia

Associate Professor
Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Maria José Serol de Brito Correia. Completed the PhD in Biology Sub Program in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior in 2001 at the City University of New York, where she also got the Master of Philosophy in Biology in 1996. She has a Licenciatura in Biologia Marinha e Pescas in 1994 by Universidade do Algarve. She has been Associate Professor at Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2018 where she had served as an Auxiliary Professor since 2001 at the Faculty of Dental Medicine. She has been a Coordinator of the 1st Cycle of the Integrated Masters Degree in Dental Medicine since 2017 and has been in the consulting bodies of the Faculty since 2001. She is currently part of a Project for the Institutionalization of Service Learning in the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and has interest in the application of this and other pedagogical innovation approaches to Dental Sciences.

Maria van Harten

Dental Curriculum Mapping Project Officer
Dublin Dental University Hospital

Maria van Harten initially trained as a high school science teacher in Canada at the University of Waterloo and Queen’s University; and then pursued undergraduate dental training at Western University in London, Ontario. After several years in private general practice, she completed graduate study at the University of Toronto, and attained her Master of Science and specialty license in Dental Public Health in 2012. Maria served as a Biostatistics lecturer to graduate dental students at Toronto, as Dental Consultant at the local health agency level, and served on the Executive Committee of the Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry. Currently, Maria lectures in dental public health and serves as Dental Curriculum Mapping Project Officer at the Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. Maria is pursuing a part-time Trinity College Certificate in Teaching, Learning & Assessment for Academic Practice; and continues to engage with Canadian colleagues as licensed dentist and specialist of the Royal College of Dentists of Ontario, and as a Fellow and Examiner of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.

Melanie Nasseripour

Lead for the ADEE COP in Professionalism
Kings College London, UK

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Dr Melanie Nasseripour DDS, MSc, PhD is a Reader in Ethics and Dental Education at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London. She is Module Lead for Dentistry In Society and co-Lead for Professionalism. Her main research interests are in the field of Ethics, Professionalism, Conservative and Minimal Intervention Dentistry, in particular as applied to oral health education and assessment. She has been teaching for over 15 years in both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Dental Education supervising clinical care, masters and PhD level research projects as well as being module lead in the Advanced Minimum Intervention Dentistry MSc programme.

Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the shared definition of Professionalism and effective practitioner in Professionalism
  • Identify the current and the recommended Professionalism curriculum
  • Identify the impact of Digital, Social Media and Artificial Intelligence on Professionalism teaching

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