Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Richard Fuller

Richard Fuller
Director of Christie Education
Christie Hospitals NHS Trust / University of Manchester, UK

Professor Richard Fuller is the Director of Christie Education in Manchester, UK, with an innovative portfolio of local, national and international education work focused on realising learner potential and improving healthcare outcomes, in association with the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and major partners including the University of Manchester.

This is underpinned by a substantial career in Health Professions Education (both nationally and internationally) and the development of sector-leading curricula, programmes of study and assessment systems in previous senior education roles at the Universities of Leeds and Liverpool which generated exciting new initiatives in curriculum design, mobile technology, assessment and personalised learning across health professions and the continuum of undergraduate and postgraduate practice. Richard practices clinically as a Consultant Stroke Physician and Geriatrician.

Richard’s main research interests focus primarily on assessment, working with a cross institutional group of research colleagues, which has led to over 200 key outputs (significant journal papers; invited and peer reviewed presentations to learned societies and institutions; educational consultancy). This portfolio of work centres on the ‘personalisation’ of assessment, to support individual learner journeys, drawing on impact-based research including the application of intelligent assessment design in campus and workplace-based assessment formats, assessor behaviours, mobile technology delivered assessment and the impact of sequential testing methodologies. Richard publishes and speaks regularly at leading international medical education conferences, and is an active PhD supervisor, with current students focusing on assessment and curriculum research.

Richard holds a number of national/UK educational advisory roles, including acting as an assessment expert for the General Medical Council, and leadership of the GMC's Tests of Competence Panel. Richard is the current Chair of the ASPIRE to Excellence Panel in Health Professions Education Assessment, set up by the Association of Medical Education in Europe (, and additionally is a trustee, and member of the executive group of AMEE.


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