Thursday, 24th August 2023 - 14:00 to 15:30
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90 Minute
Space 9 @ The Spine
Students as Collaborators, Partners and Educators COP
Session synopsis:
A meeting of the the Students as Collaborators, Partners and Educators Community of practice.
While the concept of embedding students at the heart of the educational process is not new, working in close partnership with them is a novel and developing concept. Dentistry has topic areas that lends themselves to the use of these educational methodologies to the benefit of both staff and students.
This session will look at student engagement though partnership in higher education by examining the process of working with students in all of the following aspects as outlined by Healey (2019).
- Teaching learning and assessment - examples of which are peer mentoring, assessment, co-teaching and peer assisted learning.
- Subject based research and enquiry - embedding research and inquiry into the curriculum
- Scholarship of teaching and learning - students undertake projects designed to improve university learning experience for themselves and their peers.
- Curriculum design and pedagogy - least developed area
14:00 | Introduction to Community of Practice Students as collaborators, partners and educators (VB) |
14:10 | A framework for design, implementation, and sustainability (MB) |
14:20 | Students as Partners: the Glasgow story (RMcK) |
14:30 | The Student Voice (EDSA President - Marta Adam, and others) |
14:40 |
Case studies (1-3) workshop (all)
15:20 | Feedback from groups |
15:30 | Final thoughts and Close |
Learning Outcomes:
The session objectives are:
- To outline the practice, with regards to the current student role in relation to co-creation, collaborative and participatory design
- To gather delegates perspectives on peer assisted learning, assessment and mentoring
- To consider the role of students in their contribution to the wider social environment