Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Use of 3D scanning and printing technologies to enhance dental teaching

Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 - 09:00 to 10:30
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90 Minute


Spaces 4 & 5 @ The Spine

Use of 3D scanning and printing technologies to enhance dental teaching
Session synopsis: 

The SIG for the “Use of 3D scanning and printing technologies to enhance dental teaching” is aiming to canvas educators across Europe prior to the conference, to understand the variety and combinations of systems in this field that are being used to teach practical skills courses. The results of this will be presented to the group, and will inform discussion about the next steps in developing guidance and protocols. An invitation will be issued for expressions of interest for short presentations showcasing existing good practice in relation to teaching with 3D scanning and printing. Delegates will have the opportunity to further discuss how they utilise this technology as a group.



Welcome and intro, aims of the session


Update: Activity since last time: Survey results 


Showcase of good practice (10 minutes slots x 6)


Open discussion


Next steps and close


Edward Williams

Senior Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry and Primary Dental Care
Cardiff University

Ed is Year 4 Lead and Senior Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry and Primary Dental Care  with the School of Dentistry at the University of Cardiff.

Call for Abstracts: 

If you are interested in presenting your work in this session we ask you to send a short 200 word abstract to no later than 31st March 2023.