Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Categorising Learning Outcomes for Operative Pre-clinical Skills

SIG Chairs

The found Chairs of the SIG which will meet for the first time in Berlin 2019 are: 

  • Dr. Mr Ashley Towers (Sheffield)
  • Dr. James Field (Sheffield)
  • Mr. Jonathan Dixon (Sheffield)         
  • Dr. Sibylle Vital (Paris)
Aims and Objectives

Following the publication of GED, special interest groups and key subject leaders were encouraged to formulate subject-specific dental curricula. Previous SIG outputs and publications detail the current teaching practice of operative pre-clinical skills across Europe. However, to date there is still no recommended curriculum. There is also a need to categorise the level of complexity, and importance, of each curriculum element so that teachers can author their courses appropriately and ensure that they are bridging the gap to the clinical environment in an efficient and educationally constructive manner.

Meeting and Activities Berlin 2019

The aim of this SIG is to specifically consider elements of an operative pre-clinical skills curriculum, and to categorise their importance and level of complexity.

Delegate participation will be essential, both through dialogue and e-polling. Interested delegates will also be encouraged to communicate by email after the SIG whilst a paper is prepared for publication in EJDE.

The Berlin session is kindly supported by VIRTEASY DENTAL.