Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

ADEE 2024: Saturday 7th September Pre-Meetings

Welcome to ADEE 2024: Saturday Pre-Meetings

We are delighted to welcome you in person this morning to ADEE Leuven. Today's focus is a selection of pre-meetings targeting specific groups.

Delegates pre-registered for:

The 'Lage landen' Oral Health Faculties Meeting - your session is being held from 10:00 at the George Lemaître at the Faculty Club. 

The 'FEHDD' summer meeting - your session is being held in the Lemaire at the Faculty Club commencing at 13:00

Lunch will be served for the above groups between 12:30 to 13:30 to enable colleagues to network.

Delegates participating in the 'Science meets Industry: GC & KU Leuven', please ensure you are at the Faculty Club bus collection point at 12:45. You will have received a seperate information email on this.

Finally, all delegates registered on the Lage landen and FEHDD pre-meeting workshops were issued with an invitation to the Leuven Town hall event.

Entry is only allowed to those whose names are on the invitee list and who have completed the RSVP email.

We hope you enjoy your pre meetings at ADEE 2024 and get the opportunity to explore some of historic Leuven!

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