Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

August 2020

Deadline Extension: that the closing date for the ADEE Excellence in Dental Education Awards is extended to 31st August 2020

Due to a large number of contacts from interested candidates the deadline is extended to 31.08.20 to allow them to contact their Dean's and obtain support. Interested faculty of ADEE member institutions can still submit applications up to the new closing date for the ADEE Excellence in Dental Education Awards 2020 is 31st August 2020. Applications are still being accepted in the Early, Mature and Inter/Intra Professional Categories. 

To find out more or to access the application forms visit here.


Final Reminder: Closing date for ADEE 'Advancement of Dentistry in Society Scholarship' kindly supported by GSK is Extended to 7th September 

ADEE members are reminded that the closing date for the ADEE Dentistry in Society Scholarship (supported by GSK) is extended to 7th September. With €5,000 in funding from GSK, we will again be able to recognise two institutions as examples of best practice in the integration of the concepts of Dentistry in Society within the curriculum.

To find out more or to apply visit the webpages.


ADEE Tech Talks and ADEE Tech Expo is moving online

We are delighted to announce a call for abstracts for the ADEE 2020 Tech Talks and Tech Expo. With a theme of 'Innovative Dental Eductaion Post Lockdown', we invite ADEE institutional members and corporate partners alike to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in this online seminar session. Closing date is 14th Sept and full information is available here.

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