Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Assessment in an interprofessional and digital era

Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 - 15:00 to 16:30
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90 Minute


The Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool

Assessment in an interprofessional and digital era
Session synopsis: 

Welcome to the opening plenary session of ADEE 2023 Delivered in Partnership with SIMtoCARE. We have brought together a panel of assessment experts and interested parties to share their insight and projections for the future of assessment in our rapidly changing interprofessional and digitised era.

Chaired by ADEE Secretary General Prof Barry Quinn the session will provide an interactive forum for discussion and debate on the trends in assessment and how these may evolve in an increasingly complex and interprofessional environment. The session also incorporates the official opening of ADEE 2023 by ADEE president Prof Pål Barkvoll and the presentation of the ADEE Early Career and the Oral B Inter/Intra professional Educator Awards for 2023.

14:45 Welcome to ADEE 2023
14:50 Countdown clock starts
14:55 Liverpool city and university video
15:00 Welcome
by Prof Barry Quinn (UK) and Prof Sibylle Vital (FR) today's session co-chairs
15:05 Opening Ceremony
by Prof Pål Barkvol ADEE President
15:10 Presentation of ADEE Early Career presented
by Dr Ronald Gorter Chair ADEE Awards Committee
15:20 Presentation of ADEE Oral B Inter-professional Educator Awards
by Dr Ronald Gorter Chair ADEE Awards Committee and Dr William Minston P&G
15:30 Introduction to Opening Plenary
by Prof Sibylle Vital and Mr Karel Van Gelder SIMtoCARE
15:35 Plenary Presentation and Discussion Chaired
by Prof Barry Quinn ADEE Secretary General
‘Assessment in an inter-professional and digital era: opportunities, challenges and solutions’
16:25 Closing Remarks
Prof Barry Quinn (UK) and Prof Sibylle Vital (FR)

Barry Quinn

Chair in Restorative Dentistry & Dental Education
University of Liverpool, School of Dentistry, UK

Professor Barry F.A. Quinn, Chair in Restorative Dentistry & Dental Education, Academic Lead for Restorative Dentistry, University of Liverpool, School of Dentistry. Barry is presently Secretary General of the Association Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), President of the British Alliance for Researchers in Dental Education and Scholarship (BARDES), co-President of the Dental Teachers of Professionalism in the UK and a past President of the Education Research Group (ERG) of the International Association of Dental Research (2018-2020) and metropolitan branch of the British Dental Association (2017). In 2017, Barry was the main lead for the Shaping the Future of Dental Education world workshop held at King’s College London.

At the University of Liverpool, Barry leads the integrated teaching of restorative dentistry for the collaborative learning core for the interprofessional education of dentist and dental therapy students. Barry is a past recipient of the ADEE mature educators award (2013) and interprofessional educators award (2016) and the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) emerging leaders. Barry’s main research has included interprofessional education, haptic virtual reality surgical skills education and has won many UK and international awards as well as having over 170 refereed publications and abstracts.

Charlotte Carter

Vice President External Affairs
European Dental Students Association

Charlotte Carter was born in 1998, in Dorset, England. At the age of 14 she relocated to Brittany, France where she currently studies as a 5th year dental student at the Brest Dental University. Before becoming the Vice President of External Affairs for the European Dental Students' Association for the term 2022-2023, Charlotte was the National Delegate for France, occupying the post of International Affairs coordinator for the French National Dental Students' Union from 2021 to 2022. Preceding that, she was the President of the Brest Dental Students' Association from 2020 to 2021 and finally from 2019 to 2020 she was in charge of the Brest Dental Students' Association Newspaper. At this time, she is also acting, for a second mandate, as Student Representative for the Brest Dental Students where she has collaborated with her professors to express the Student Voice. She is currently working on a Guide of European Dental Studies for EDSA with the goal to assess the similarities and differences of the initial dental training received throughout the WHO European Region.

Katharine Boursicot

Founding Director
Health Professional Assessment Consultancy

Professor Katharine Boursicot, BSc, MBBS, MRCOG, MAHPE, SFH, FRSM graduated from the University of London with an Honours BSc in Anatomy and MBBS from the Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital. She worked as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at St Thomas', St Bartholomew's and Homerton Hospitals in London, with an Honorary Reader position at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

After studying at the Institute of Education in London, she became a full time medical educationalist, gaining experience and expertise in medical education and led the reform of assessment at the medical schools at Barts and the London, Cambridge University, St George's University of London, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and Duke-NUS in Singapore.

In 2016, she founded HPAC, to provide high-quality courses on all aspects of assessment in health professions education, as well as consultancy and faculty development services. All our consultants have established track records of teaching, consultancy and research in a wide range of health professions education areas. They have extensive expertise in the pedagogy and best practice of design and development of curricula and assessments, quality assurance work and wide experience in the undergraduate and postgraduate education arenas.

She has published her research in the leading medical education journals, is an Associate Editor for the journals Advances in Health Sciences Education, BioMedCentral and is a regular reviewer for Medical Education, Medical Teacher, the BMJ, the Clinical Teacher, Higher Education Quarterly and Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. She is the Series Editor for the Oxford University Press companion volumes to their Handbooks of Medicine series (Oxford Assess and Progress series).

She currently sits on the Assessment Panel for the AMEE ASPIRE Awards, and led the Consensus Group on Performance Assessment for the Ottawa Conferences in 2010 and 2020. She has also led the ESMEA (Essential Skills in Medical Education: Assessment) course for AMEE since 2008.

Katharine has advised on numerous national and international initiatives including several Royal Medical Colleges in the UK, the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa, the Association of Veterinary Schools in the UK, the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Osteopathic Regulator, the Lawyers Regulatory Council, the Australian Dental Council, and has held Visiting Professorships at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, the University of Hong Kong, Universitas Indonesia, Cyberjaya University, Malaysia and the University of Amman, Jordan.

Pål Barkvoll

Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE)

Prof Pål Barkvoll is the of ADEE 2022 - 2023. Pål was Dean of the faculty of dentistry in the University of Oslo Norway 2013-2016 and 2017-2020, prior to which he was Chair, Institute of Clinical Dentistry (1999-2012). He is a board member with the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials and of the Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Society. A Professor of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine since 1995, Pål is committed to ensure the oral health workforce the we train today is ready to meet the challenges they will face.

Richard Fuller

Director of Christie Education
Christie Hospitals NHS Trust / University of Manchester, UK

Professor Richard Fuller is the Director of Christie Education in Manchester, UK, with an innovative portfolio of local, national and international education work focused on realising learner potential and improving healthcare outcomes, in association with the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and major partners including the University of Manchester.

This is underpinned by a substantial career in Health Professions Education (both nationally and internationally) and the development of sector-leading curricula, programmes of study and assessment systems in previous senior education roles at the Universities of Leeds and Liverpool which generated exciting new initiatives in curriculum design, mobile technology, assessment and personalised learning across health professions and the continuum of undergraduate and postgraduate practice. Richard practices clinically as a Consultant Stroke Physician and Geriatrician.

Richard’s main research interests focus primarily on assessment, working with a cross institutional group of research colleagues, which has led to over 200 key outputs (significant journal papers; invited and peer reviewed presentations to learned societies and institutions; educational consultancy). This portfolio of work centres on the ‘personalisation’ of assessment, to support individual learner journeys, drawing on impact-based research including the application of intelligent assessment design in campus and workplace-based assessment formats, assessor behaviours, mobile technology delivered assessment and the impact of sequential testing methodologies. Richard publishes and speaks regularly at leading international medical education conferences, and is an active PhD supervisor, with current students focusing on assessment and curriculum research.

Richard holds a number of national/UK educational advisory roles, including acting as an assessment expert for the General Medical Council, and leadership of the GMC's Tests of Competence Panel. Richard is the current Chair of the ASPIRE to Excellence Panel in Health Professions Education Assessment, set up by the Association of Medical Education in Europe (, and additionally is a trustee, and member of the executive group of AMEE.


Vince Bissell

Dean, School of Dentistry
University of Liverpool

Professor Bissell graduated BChD from the University of Leeds in 1985 and PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 1995. He joined the University of Liverpool having been appointed Dean of the School of Dentistry in December 2017. He had previously been Deputy Head of School at the University of Glasgow Dental School, where had also held a chair of Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education. He is an Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry with Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with a particular interest in Periodontology. His time is now spent largely on management and leadership of the School, although he continues to teach, contribute to educational research and maintain an active clinical practice. Professor Bissell is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Dental Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

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