Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 - 15:00 to 16:30
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90 Minute
The Yoko Ono Lennon Centre, University of Liverpool
Assessment in an interprofessional and digital era
Session synopsis:
Welcome to the opening plenary session of ADEE 2023 Delivered in Partnership with SIMtoCARE. We have brought together a panel of assessment experts and interested parties to share their insight and projections for the future of assessment in our rapidly changing interprofessional and digitised era.
Chaired by ADEE Secretary General Prof Barry Quinn the session will provide an interactive forum for discussion and debate on the trends in assessment and how these may evolve in an increasingly complex and interprofessional environment. The session also incorporates the official opening of ADEE 2023 by ADEE president Prof Pål Barkvoll and the presentation of the ADEE Early Career and the Oral B Inter/Intra professional Educator Awards for 2023.
14:45 | Welcome to ADEE 2023 |
14:50 | Countdown clock starts |
14:55 | Liverpool city and university video |
15:00 | Welcome by Prof Barry Quinn (UK) and Prof Sibylle Vital (FR) today's session co-chairs |
15:05 | Opening Ceremony by Prof Pål Barkvol ADEE President |
15:10 | Presentation of ADEE Early Career presented by Dr Ronald Gorter Chair ADEE Awards Committee |
15:20 | Presentation of ADEE Oral B Inter-professional Educator Awards by Dr Ronald Gorter Chair ADEE Awards Committee and Dr William Minston P&G |
15:30 | Introduction to Opening Plenary by Prof Sibylle Vital and Mr Karel Van Gelder SIMtoCARE |
15:35 | Plenary Presentation and Discussion Chaired by Prof Barry Quinn ADEE Secretary General ‘Assessment in an inter-professional and digital era: opportunities, challenges and solutions’ |
16:25 | Closing Remarks Prof Barry Quinn (UK) and Prof Sibylle Vital (FR) |