Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life


Thursday, 21st August 2025 - 14:00 to 15:30
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Dublin (IST, UTC+1)


McNabb Auditorium TCDBS

Session synopsis: 
A selection of invited speakers drawn by the abstract review panel submitted to the FREEStage Category.

The aim of these sessions is to provide feedback and discussion on evolving new research in a supportive environment for evolving researchers in oral health education.




Ronald Gorter

Associate Professor
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam

Ronald Gorter, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), The Netherlands. He is former Director of Education at ACTA.

Ronald is ADEE Executive, represents ADEE on the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, and is Editor in Chief of the European Journal for Dental Education. He is (co-)author of about hundred Dutch and international professional and scientific publications.

Call for Abstracts: 

Abstract submission is now open: