Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

July 2024 Reminders


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ADEE 2024 registration extended to 7th August 

Time is running out to register your attendance at ADEE 2024 Leuven. Online registration has been extended for one week to 7th August. There can be no further extension allowed beyond this point so make sure you get the best value for your registration before time runs out. Registered delegates will receive their first meeting mailing week commencing 12th August to make session bookings etc. So keep an eye out in your email inboxes. 

For more info on booking rates or to make a booking click here.


The Performance Assessment of Clinical Skills

The Performance Assessment of Clinical Skills (PACS) Community of Practice are looking forward to seeing you in Leuven. As part of this interactive session, they will explore how practical assessments are working across other institutions and aim to share our learning to support each other. The Performance Assessment of Clinical Skills Community of Practice are interested in learning about your experiences with practical assessment and would really appreciate your participation in this short anonymous survey. We will use the results to guide and explore further the challenges and wins in our breakout groups at the Annual ADEE meeting in Leuven.

To complete the survey click here


FEHDD  competence framework for aspiring deans and heads of dental schools

FEHDD invites contribution from members to assist in the updating of the competence framework for aspiring deans and heads of dental schools. A survey has been issued to members in recent weeks.

We encourage senior academics to respond to the survey here.


Science meets Industry: GC & KU Leuven

A limited number of seats remain on the ADEE 2024 pre-meeting workshop Science Meets Industry, GC & KU Leuven. If you are interested in attending this session on Saturday 7th September and did not select it as part of your meeting registration please email Judith at and an invoice for the booking fee of €50 will be raised for you. GC are providing transport and catering.

For more information on the session content click here

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