Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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  • Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 08:00

    A day of pre meetings facilitated by the ADEE and hosted within its meeting schedule 

    03/04/2025 - 08:36


    A meeting of the Steering Committee of the O-Health-Edu Erasmus Plus KA2 Project Funding Stream 

    Project 2019-1-F01-KA203-062894

    Chair: Prof Stephaine Tubert (France)

    (Invitation only, runs 08:00 to 18:00) 

    03/04/2025 - 09:36

    Various Deans Sub Group Meetings 

    A meeting of Deans and Heads of
    Nordic/Baltic Dental Schools 

    Chair Professor Pål Barkvoll (Norway)

    A meeting of Deans and Heads of
    French Dental Schools 

    (Invitation only, Runs to 13:00) (Invitation only, Runs to 13:00)
    03/04/2025 - 13:36

     Joint Lunch 

    Networking and lunch between the ADEE Executive Committee, Nordic/Baltic Deans and French Deans 

    03/04/2025 - 14:36

    Joint Deans Meeting 

    A working session between the French and Baltic Deans 

    (Invitation only, runs to 17:00)