Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Leuven 2024 Meeting Programme for Tuesday

08:30 to 09:00

Registration Desk Open

The registration desk is open to enable the collection of your delegate pack...

Exhibition Area Main Entrance

09:00 to 10:30

Select one from this session steam

5MP Session 7: Miscellaneous including evaluation

Selected delegates get the opportunity to pitch their work using the LTB e-...


A pathway to success: implementing digital technology in dental school curriculum - an in-depth review

Intraoral scanners, milling units and 3D Printers have become staples of...


Challenges for dental hygienists education – WHO global action plan, inter- and intraprofessional collaboration, AI

Challenges for dental hygienists education - WHO global action plan, inter-...


Community of Practice Nutrition: Developing a European curriculum

A meeting of the ADEE Community of Practice on Nutrition with a specific...


FREEStage Session 2

A selection of invited speakers drawn by the abstract review panel submitted...

GAO Auditorium

Outcomes-based assessment for critical thinking - an interactive session

Critical thinking is considered an essential skill for the successful...


Selected Oral Presentations

A selection of oral presentations draw form abstract submission


10:30 to 11:30

Morning refreshments in the Exhibition Hall

Join us in the Exhibition hall for coffee and networking.

Exhibition Hall

11:30 to 13:00

ADEE2024 Plenary 3: AI as an enabler of sustainability

A.I. when effectively used can reduce waste and error, enable easier access...

GA0 Auditorium

13:00 to 14:00

Exhibition and refreshments

Farewell, lunch and refreshments before our departure for another year.

Exhibition Hall