Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Covid-19 Resources

The Covid-19 pandemic has suddenly challenged and altered ADEE member activities and approaches. Faculty and student routines has been uprooted and for many recent days and weeks have been filled with uncertainty and for many fear. It is important that at this time we continue to find creative ways to delivery some element of curriculum continuity and faculty/student engagement. 

To enable our members the ADEE is providing these web pages as a central resource for all things Covid-19 related. The pages will evolve with the contribution and input of our members and for ease of access have been structured into four core sections:

General Covid-19 Resources

This section of the website links to various European and International resources discussion general trends and responses to the pandemic. They may be useful for inclusion in your risk assessments, report and strategy developments.

You can access these here.

The Clinical Setting

Links and resources to clinical and scientifically grounded resources and research. This will in time include relevant clinical guidelines from dental authorities and other relevant sources.

You can access these here.

The Academic Setting

Links and resources that specifically focus on the academic and dental education setting. We encourage you to send us any local or national information so we can make it available to other institutions.

Click here to read more.

Discussion Forum

A number of moderated discussions focusing on issues related to and impacted by Covid-19 in the dental education setting. You can gain access here. You may be required to create an ADEE user profile affiliated to your acadmic institution if you have not done so already. If your institution is not an ADEE member select 'no affiliation'. Access will need to be approved so please expect delays in gaining access. 

As the lifespan of the virus evolves it is important that discussions on the new normal begin early so faculty and students are prepared and supported on their return to the workplace. There is no doubt that the world will change and we must be mindful of staff and student wellbeing thus at a future date additional resources focussing on this will also be added.

This page was created on: 19th March 2020
Last updated: 12:00 23.03.20