Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Recognising teachers' emotions and self-efficacy in assessment

Thursday, 21st August 2025 - 11:30 to 13:00
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Dublin (IST, UTC+1)


Room 119 TCDBS

Session synopsis: 
Even though the feelings of students have been widely discussed, there is little research about emotions of the teachers related to assessment in higher education. 

The aim of this workshop is to target teachers’ emotions related to assessment, their variability and strength and together within the group find ways to cope with them and hopefully grow from them.

The focus is on collaborating and creating solutions together after a short introduction to the subject, based partly on our own research. The workshop will mostly be guided groupwork about emotions; what causes them, what do we learn from them and sharing with others to find new ways of reflection and coping with negative feelings as well as growing from the positive ones.
