Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

Reminder ADEE 2021 Key dates

Members and those interested in submitting their work for consideration for inclusion as Posters, Oral Presentations, FREEStage, Tech Talks and selected Special Interest Groups are reminded that the closing date for receipt of abstracts is 31st March 2021.

Please ensure you upload your content in advance of this deadline to ensure the evaluation panel can include your work for evaluation and consideration.

To submit your abstract now or for more information click here.

So as to avail of the best possible registration rates, we remind you that early bird rate ends on 15th April.

The table below summarises the member/non-member and early bird/standard registration rates.

Details Delegates from Member Institutions Delegates from Non Member Institutions

Early Bird Registration: up to close of business 15th April 2021

€150.00 €200.00

Standard Registration: between 16th April and 1st May

€200.00 €250.00

Late registration: after 1st May 2021

€250.00 €300.00

For more information about registering for Strasbourg 2021 click here.

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