Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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ADEE reports that O-Health-Edu Erasmus + project progressing well

Members will be aware that ADEE is a partner with 9 universities in the O-Health-Edu Erasmus + project which aims to better understand the current state of oral health education within the EU, and to develop a suite of online tools that will support the aggregation, interrogation and presentation of oral health education programme data, and curriculum documents. This is achieved through the delivery of 13 intellectual outputs. 

We are please to advise that a number of these intellectual outs are now reaching completion and in this brief update we want to share with you some exciting news on Intellectual Output 07 - the creation of a glossary for oral health professionnal's Education in Europe. After many months work on creating consensus definitions on over 150 terms through open and focused consultation we are proud to present ARTICULATE the online interactive glossary for Oral Health Professional’s Education in Europe.


Devised as a live and regularly updated resource for all stakeholders you can now access consensus definitions of core terms of interest to students, academics, professionals and regulators. By registering on the website you can also provide comments; suggesting updates or further expanding or enhancing a particular defection based on your experience.

So, we invite you to visit ARTICULATE to explore the agreed definitions, provide comment or if you prefer to contact us with general comments on the output at

For more information on O-Health-Edu visit and keep an eye out for further updates on ADEE enews.

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