Visualization and its implications for learning and instruction in dental traininng
The purpose of this session is to illustrate some of the potentials of digital technologies for instruction in dental education. More specifically, the presentation shows how to overcome the restricted visual access in traditional clinical demonstrations by introducing instructor-led seminars that allow students to follow and discuss broadcasted root canal treatments. The view from cameras built into surgical microscopes enabled the instructors to demonstrate clinical reasoning in situ and to the context necessary for understanding procedures. The empirical results convincingly show that discussions on the generalizability of knowledge beyond the specific case were encouraged by the interactive format of the seminars.
Hans Rystedt
Professor in Education at the University of Gothenburg
Roger Säljö
Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro)
Digital Prospects of Formative and Summative Assessment in Dental Education: Technological Opportunities and Challenges
It is a well-known fact that assessment is an important driver for student learning. In the advancement of digital technologies, the question is how digital resources can be used to improve formative and summative assessment in ways that support student learning as well as ensuring knowledge standards for future dental professionals.
Two experimental studies on digital assessment have been conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo. Firstly, digitized formative assessment based on Multiple Choice questionnaires (MCQ) was implemented in testing students’ knowledge from prior parts of their education. Secondly, a pilot-study of a digitized summative assessment in oral radiology was conducted to identify benefits and challenges in applying entirely digital based exams. Results from these experiments are presented and discussed in relation to research on assessment and student learning.
Anne Møystad
Professor and specialist in Maxillofacial Radiology
Thomas de Lange
Faculty of Education, University of Oslo
Håvard J. Haugen
Professor of Biomaterials