ADEE Online Content Autumn Winter 2020
While the COVID-19 pandemic may have restricted us from meeting in person in Strasbourg this August, we are committed to deliver what content we can to our membership during 2020.
Below you will find details and links to eductaional and topic update sessions that will be of interest to members.
Bridging the Clinical Gap
Bridging the Clinical Gap Update
Join the team that brought you the Bridging the Clinical Gap special interest group in Oslo and Berlin for an update and begin the next phase of this popular annual meeting activity. Full programme details and instructions on how to register are available here.
This programme is kindly supported by VIRTEAST Dental by HRV
Oral Care and Supportive Care in Cancer
Oral Care and Supportive Care in Cancer
In a time that calls for interprofessiobal collaborative care, its pivotal that the dental students get acquainted both with the oral complication from cancer treatment, but also with the role of the dentist in what should be the multidisciplinary team overseeing the cancer patient’s quality of life. Curricula must be designed in ways that enable future dentists to attain the required competences to manage these patients and work in truly collaborative method.
Full programme details and instructions on how to register are available here.
This programme is kindly supported by our corporate partners AMGEN.
ADEE Tech Talks and Tech Expo
ADEE Tech Talks and Tech Expo
An important and ever expanding subject, this is a well attended feature of our annual meetings. This session will feature a blend of presentations by academics and corporate partners focusing on new innovation in the area of technology in dental education.
The session will be chaired by Dr Marjoke Vervoorn and Dr Carlos Serrano Petrillo from ACTA the Netherlands.
More information, registration and a call for abstracts is available here.
Collaboration with iADH
Collaboration with iADH
In collaboration with the International Association for Disability and Oral Health, this webinar will provide an update on current practice and insight in this increasingly important issue in the undergraduate curriculum.
This session is open to all members of ADEE institutions but is capped at 500 participants.
Full programme details and instructions on how to register are available here.
This programme is kindly supported by our colleagues in DentsplySirona.