Association for Dental Education in Europe

Learning together to improve oral health and quality of life

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Plans for General Assembly 2020 announcement

Prof. Ilze Akota, ADEE President 2020-2021

Prof Ilze Akota is Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, former dean (1999-2003) of the faculty of Dentistry and former vice rector for education (2003-2013) in Riga Stradins University in Latvia

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

With our meeting in Strasbourg postponed, we’ve prepared new and creative ways to deliver our General Assembly and to maintain the precious link between members of the association.

Each of the officers have pre-recorded their annual reports, available online here, downloadable copies of the powerpoint presentations are available at the same link.

We have scheduled a “Question and Answers session” with the Officers in advance of the General Assembly to be held on Friday 2nd October at 12:00 (UK Time). In order to join us at this session you can register here. The aim of this session is to be an informal, information sharing session with our members.

The General Assembly, itself, will be held on Friday 9th October at 16:00 (UK Time).


Registration is now open here and we hope you will be able to join us. You will find the Agenda and Minutes of the Previous Meeting are available here.


We are really looking forward to seeing you at the Officers question and answer session on the 2nd Oct or at the General Assembly on the 9th October.

In the meantime, the Executive is working with our corporate partners and sister organisations to create online content.

  • The events that have already been scheduled can be viewed here. 
  • You will see also that we have an open call for content in the ADEE Tech Talks and Tech Expo session planned for November. Please do consider submitting an abstract.
  • The annual FEHDD meeting is scheduled for Thursday 1st October at 09:00 (UK Time). To find out more click here.

As we all venture back to the new normal of the classroom in these unprecedented times, the executive and I want to offer reassurance that you are not alone. You are a member of ADEE: an ever growing family of European Dental Educators.

Until then, stay safe
Prof Ilze Akota
ADEE President 2020-2021