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Workshop: Use of Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) in delivering education Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is defined as the integration of the current... |
Workshop: Being an EJDE Peer reviewer The European Journal of Dental Education is the official journal of the... |
Workshop: Intraprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in European Dental Schools The goal of Intraprofessional education (IPE) is to bring various... |
Conferencia de Decanos/as y Directores Académicos de las Facultades de Odontología de España (CRADO) A special meeting of the Conference of Academic heads and Deans of the... |
Networking - Coffee and Exhibition Join us in the exhibition hall for coffee and some Balearic mid morning... |
During the Spring session of FEHDD the Forum of European Heads and Dental... |
Enabling collaboration and mobility for oral health professionals’ education in Europe Student and faculty mobility and the application of meaningful collaboration... |
The Graduating European Dentist Taskforce: Domain 5 - Research The ‘Graduating European Dentist’ curriculum is a suite of documents... |
Tech Talks & Tech Expo 2022 (simulation, haptics and VR) This year our tech talks session comes to you direct from the ADEE 2022... |
This is a follow up workshop to the ADEE 2021 session on The Complexity of... |
Networking - Lunch and Exhibition Join us in the exhibition hall for Lunch, networking and reconnections with... |
Inaugural face to face business and discussion meeting : Exploring the... |
FEHDD Summer Meeting: Fostering a culture of resilience and support for mental health The summer meeting of the Forum of European Heads and Dental Deans delivered... |
Given the splendour of our location its worth taking time to appreciate the... |
Opening Plenary followed by ADEE 2022 Welcome Reception This years opening session kicks off with the presentation of the ADEMA... |